31 December 2008

thirty-nine memories (29)

Memory 29: October 10, 2001

I've said many times that the most powerful worship services I've ever been in have been U2 concerts. I was a security guard (can you imagine?) for this concert, the opening concert of the third leg of Elevation tour, and the first U2 concert in the aftermath of 9/11. I think they very intentionally chose Notre Dame--home of the "fighting irish."

Definitely worth putting up with the ignoramus who was the supervisor of we one-time security guards.


There were so many great moments in the concert, but I liked these two especially. What's foreshadowed in Bono's rambling preamble to "One" is realized in the closing hymn, "Walk On."


Apparantly, those really are NYPD and NYFD members on the stage. Is this shameless pandering to the intense emotions of the time, or is it a sincere celebration of courage and our longing for "home"? I like to think it is the latter.

Either way, the place erupted.

Love the "Pied Piper" image of Bono leading them around the heart shaped stage.

Hallelujah, he sings. And I think he really means it. I know I did.

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