30 December 2008

thirty-nine memories (27 & 28)

Memory #27: Skunked

So this fall, Anne and Joel and I are sitting around the campfire in our back yard, and Morgan is behind the giant compost pile maybe ten yards away rooting around in the dark for something, the way he always does, when I hear him let out a sharp yelp and I slowly start to smell the most potent burning tire odor ever, and Morgan comes staggering out of the dark, frothing at the mouth and stinking to high heaven and clawing at his face and sliding his body and head around on the grass trying to get the skunk stink off.

Apparantly some sort of peroxide mixture works. We bathed him using that stuff; the house smelled like skunk for a little while.

You can still faintly smell skunk on Morgan's face if he gets his head rained on. They say it can take as much as a year for the smell to go away entirely.

Memory #28: Yellow Jacket

A few days later, Morgan ate a yellow jacket. He's eaten roughly four thousand bees in his life, and never had any kind of reaction. This time, though, his face got all bumpy and mumpy and swollen and he acted like he wanted to scratch the inside of his skull. He was on the brink of berserk.

A hundred and fifty bucks, a short trip to the emergency vet, and two shots later he was ok, though he still smelled like skunk.

Later that week he crashed into Jeanie while playing ball in the back yard, giving her a lovely black eye.


Unknown said...

Awh, poor Morgan!

Anonymous said...

I like your dog a lot.