14 August 2010


Does it take anything away from my achievement of 200 posts for the year if many of them say very little, if they are very short, and if I post more than once in a day. Like, today, for instance. Like, this post, for instance.



Please doubt me... you've no idea how much trivial drivel I'm capable of writing and posting. I dare you.

post stats

In the year 2009 I had 107 blog posts. To date in 2010 I have 33 (counting this one). What does this tell me?

1. If I hope to catch up to last year's number I better get busy.
2. Maybe I should write shorter entries.
3. There's really not much to say that hasn't been said a thousand billion times before.
4. I should set a goal.
5. That goal will be 200 posts in the year 2010.

You doubt me? Please say you doubt me.