04 February 2011

how to help sydney not whine and cry in the morning when she wakes up overly tired

Pull out my phone and turn on the "sneaky fart" app.

Ya, my daughter thinks the thirty or so different and very realistic sounding fart noises are hilarious. You do what you gotta do in the morning.


02 February 2011

back ache

Is it possible to get a back ache just looking at your driveway on a morning like this?

Prediction: two more big snows before spring.

Readers of this blog will see I'm not very good at predicting anything weather related.

Later today, if I don't actually end up with a debilitating back ache, Morgan and I will take a walk in the woods.

It is not necessary to have more than one sentence in any paragraph, nor does a blog entry need a true central focus. Thesis statements are overrated, you know.

01 February 2011


Ok, my intuitions were proven incorrect like two minutes after I posted the previous blog.

Daytime classes are all cancelled tomorrow at Bethel.

Noon hoops is on.

lucky jeanie

At 9 p.m. this evening, Jeanie got the text announcing no school tomorrow. We should all be so lucky. Alas, I will get no such text tonight, and I'm betting I will find myself in front of a class full of students who, having banked on a snow day, will have not read the assignment for the day. Ok, I wouldn't bet my next paycheck or anything. Let's just call it an intuition.

By the way, I did p90x, chest, shoulders, and triceps tonight. Guess what I'm bringing to the party?