28 August 2009

maybe next year

As much as I hate to admit it...

the Cubs are lousy. Which makes September a considerably less interesting month for me.

26 August 2009

first day

I have no memory of my first day of college classes. I sort of remember my first day of freshman orientation. I think that's because they made us play those goofy "get to know you" ice-breaker games in the gym, and I really hated games like that when I was eighteeen.

Tomorrow is the first official day of college classes for about 400 freshman at Bethel. Twenty-eight of those will be in a class I co-teach. If my experience is indicative of anything, twenty years from now they won't remember anything about this day. Unless they save the journal I make them write.

Or,unless something horrible happens.

So I'll try not to let something horrible happen.