16 January 2009

thirty-nine theses (21)

A strong opinion in the form of a strong recommendation:

21. Do yourself a favor (on this frigid winter day) and re-read these five short stories:

    1. "Cathedral" by Raymond Carver.

    2. "The Nose" by Nikolai Gogol. http://h42day.100megsfree5.com/texts/russia/gogol/nose.html

    3. "The Life You Save May Be Your Own" by Flannery O'Connor.

    4. "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been" by Joyce Carol Oates. http://jco.usfca.edu/works/wgoing/text.html

    5. "The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=the+handsomest+drowned+man+int+he+world+full+text


15 January 2009

thirty-nine theses (18-20)

More opinions:

18. The worst part of winter is the static electricity.

19. The best part of winter is a crackling fire in the fireplace.

20. The Color Purple is a much better film than novel.

14 January 2009

thirty-nine theses (17)

A very strong opinion:

17. Every student at Bethel should consider a second major in Humanities.

12 January 2009

thirty-nine theses (16)

Another S.O.:

16. I agree with James; "peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness."

11 January 2009

thirty-nine theses (11-15)

A few more strong opinions:

11. The designated hitter rule allows for a few good beer league softball hitters to have a lucrative career in the American League. But the rule is not good for baseball.

12. Anyone considering a college major in education should give serious consideration to the "Transition to Teaching" option as an alternative means to licensure.

13. A grade for a course is little more than a letter on a piece of paper (or in a computer file somewhere) that no one will ever pay much attention to.

14. Wearing warm socks and comfortable shoes during our Northern Indiana winters is an important spiritual discipline.

15. The wiffleball bat and ball, dollar for dollar, is the greatest toy ever invented.