04 February 2010

in praise of pull-ups

Pull-ups are hard. Some varieties are easier than others, of course. Reverse grip chin-ups are, for me, easier than wide grip or close grip overhand pull-ups. Corn-cob pull-ups are brutal (pull up, chin to the left, chin to the right, chin away from bar, and then back down again).

But I like them because they're hard and because after I have done six or eight sets of them I can tell I've done something good for my body.

A professional physical trainer once told me that if you could only do two strength exercises, pull-ups would be one of them.

Squats would be the other.

I can't say anything in praise of squats.


K. said...

Did you do these "79 pull-ups and 342 push-ups" at one time or was it scattered throughout the day? Either way, I don't think I would be walking let alone playing basketball :-)

Christoph Roberts said...

Rough breakdown...

8 sets of pull-ups (4 different kinds--wide, close grip, chins, switch grip), interspersed between multiple sets of different kinds of push-ups: regular, military, decline, triangle, one-arm, yoga style, wide. This was about a 40-45 minute circuit workout in my basement while watching Simpson's reruns.

It's a way to make up for my lack of 'manliness' when it comes to basic household maintenance and upgrades.

You got tickets? :-)

Unknown said...

I seriously thought this post was going to be about pull-ups, the training pants variety.

Christoph Roberts said...

Funny you should mention the other kind of pull-ups, for Jeanie just declared this morning that she would not be buying any more of those--fed up with them as she is.