04 January 2013

13.3. Rejected blog post topics

1.  Review of the X-Files episode I watched yesterday, one from Season 3 about what I think Charles Williams would call "Co-inherence" and that would make Lief Enger proud.

2.  Our vet bill yesterday for Morgan, which (incorrectly) included a $159 bag of food.

3.  A story of how my brand new basketball shoes that I love got a tear in them the first day I wore them.

4.  How cool I am for starting a "5 year diary".

5.  Sydney's new remote control SUV.

6.  Jeanie's amazing ham and cheese quiche that I had for breakfast.

7.  The superiority of the Humanities major to all other majors in humanities sub-disciplines.

8.  My new novel.

9.  How badly I need a haircut.

10.  My visit to the dentist yesterday, where I had a conversation about almonds with my dentist.  (We like!!)

11.  How very randomly but usually several times a year I get heartbroken and homesick for Jamaica, even though I loathe almost everything about city living.

12.  The conversation I had with Sydney the other day about what language we will speak in heaven.  (She also wondered if I thought grandpa Kip would take care of Morgan in heaven until we joined them.  We're preparing ourselves for the inevitable--Morgan will likely not live all that much longer.  Not that he's sick; he's just old. Incidentally, I do.)

13.  A rant about a book I have not read by a person I know almost nothing about and the people who waste their time with this trash.  

14.  A post in which I argue that online college courses are for the kind of people who would prefer sexting or phone sex to the real thing.  

15.  Why I wish I could find a Missionary Church that made communion a more central part of weekly worship.  Among other things...

16.  Why I have more hope for the Tigers than the Cubs in 2013.

17.  How I have never been a Lakers fan until this year, and of course, this year has been a near disaster so far for the Lakers.  Nevertheless, I have hope.

But I don't really have the mental energy to develop any of these fully here today.  Nor do I suspect I will have the energy to develop most of them fully any time soon.  Nevertheless, you can vote for any you'd like to read.  Can't make any promises.  

Instead, I leave you with this: 

My crossfit WOD for today (after 6 games of basketball).

AMRAP in 15 minutes
15 wall ball (20#)
15 dips
15 pushups
20 situps


FarmerLenny said...

Very interested: 8, 1, 13, 14, 7

Slightly interested: 10

Interested for the sake of commiseration: 15

Anonymous said...

8 and 12 would be very interesting!

K. said...

My vote is NUMBER 7! NUMBER 7! NUMBER 7! But, I too, may be a bit biased.