01 October 2012

86. Freaking Awesome Passage

By now Penelope, Icarius' wise daughter,
Had set her chair across from the suitors
And heard the words of each man in the hall.
During all their laughter they had been busy
Preparing their dinner, a tasty meal
For which they had slaughtered many animals.
But no meal could be more graceless than the one
A goddess and a hero would serve to them soon.
After all, they started the whole ugly business.
(Odyssey, 20.422-30,  Lombardo  trans.)

There's a lot of eating in the Odyssey.  And there's a right way to do it when you're a guest in someone else's house.  The suitors have violated the unwritten code of xenia badly, and thus, their final "meal" they will be "graceless" and "ugly."  What a freaking awesome final sentence.

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