08 August 2012

66. Crossfit (but not officially)

I've never been to an actual Crossfit gym (or I guess its "box" not "gym").  I've only ever done one workout with the Pilot Crossfit  club at my college.  And I only occasionally do "official" Crossfit workouts from thee main website.  But I think I can fairly say that I do "crossfit" (lowercase).

One of the things the Crossfit cultists rave about is the "community" aspect.  I've never been that fond of working out with a bunch of other people, and have always preferred to grit it out on my own.  That's why I like P90X a lot.  You go to the basement, pop in the dvd, push play, and let er rip.  I've been doing these P90X workouts off an on for five years now, and they are still great.

This summer, J decided she wanted to get fit.  So we've been doing my own brand of "crossfit."  The other day, for instance, we did Chelsea, which is 5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 squats, every minute on the minute.  It's good workout.  We scaled it for J, since she still doesn't do pullups (it's one of her goals--be able to do actual pullups), substituting "heavy pants" (a bent over back fly with dumbells) for the pullups.  Had I given her this workout two months ago I would have heard a series of "I can'ts" come out of her mouth.  But not anymore.  She's motivated.  Every day she asks me, "so what's my workout today."  I've enjoyed it this summer--working out in this fashion with J.  I'm proud of her.

So here's today's workout.

4 rounds
One lap sprint (in the backyard--roughly 130 meters)
30 squats
One lap sprint
30 sumo high pulls
One lap sprint
30 chair dips
REST one minute

She may complain, but less than she used to.  She'll do it.  Tomorrow she'll ask me for a new workout.  We're going to keep right on doing these workouts we make up or rip off from the Internet (here's a really cool website called  "WOD shop") for as long as we are physically able. I feel great--maybe the best shape of my life.  She feels great--maybe a little sore.

Get your tickets.

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