03 July 2012

63. Fourteen

This fall I will begin my 14th year of teaching English at Bethel.  I don't know where the time goes other than to say that the present has a way of becoming the past very quickly.That will be fourteen years worth of essays I've read.  Sometimes I wish I would have kept some stats.  Here are some estimates.

Essays read/graded: 25,000
Portfolios graded: 1400
times reading the Odyssey: 25
add/drop forms filled: 120
student drop in office visits: 4200
committee meetings attended: 260
lunch time basketball games played: 4680
photocopies made: enough to wipe out a forest
number of times I've worn a tie: 0
number of times I've taught Lolita: 2
number of  Speech (COMM 171) sections I taught in 1999-2000: 5
number of sections of COMM 171 I've taught since 2004: 0
Office moves: 1
Office rearranges: 16
times I've wanted to quit and become a peach farmer who writes nature poetry:13
plagiarism cases I reported: 30
plagiarism cases I dealt with myself: 200
Bethel softball games attended: 45
chapel speeches: 7
faculty retreat presentations: 5
dissertations completed: 1
number of visits Morgan has made to my office: 23
humanities major graduates: 6
humanities major graduates prior to 2010: 0
days of class missed due to sickness: 13
snow days: 3


K. said...

Robby...you kept a tally of all 4,200 office visits I made in four years? I am so sorry!:)

ismile4christ said...

Morgan's only visited your office 23 times in those 14 years? No wonder I didn't seen while I was on campus. :)