04 March 2012

43. Mastered by Truth

"The act of knowing is an act of love." 
"The known seeks to know me even as I seek to know it; such is the logic of love . . . I not only pursue but truth pursues me. I not only grasp truth but truth grasps me. I not only know truth but truth knows me. Ultimately, I don't not master truth but truth masters me." (Parker Palmer, To Know as We Are Known)
What would happen if each day I prepared to teach I remembered this?

What would happen if each day in class I reminded myself of this?

What would happen if each course I teach were designed with this in mind?

What would happen if each class session I taught I reminded myself and my students of this?

What would happen if I always read literature fully conscious of this?

Would my college have the truly "vibrant community" we say we're committed to in our Vision Statement if we embraced this notion of education as our communal pursuit of Truth--the Truth that (or who) pursues us even as we pursue it (Him)? 

How does one assess things like "content knowledge" if we embrace the fact that "to know something is to have a living relationship with it", and that "the act of knowing is an act of love"?

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