05 May 2011


"Most students . . . feel that they must first have something to say brefore they can put it down on paper.  For them writing is little more than recording a preexistent thought.  But . . . writing is a process in which we discover what lives in us. The writing itself reveals what is alive."

- Henri Nouwen


Jon Swanson said...

when I was a student, I didn't understand this. But now? I have no idea what i'm thinking until I write. But thank you for taking us to Nouwen's words. Which show that sometimes we don't know what we think until we read.

ismile4christ said...

For me, it's great to know I don't have to have everything all put together in my head all the time. I don't have to expect myself to have a completed essay, answer, letter, or whatever in my mind. I don't think I've ever really been able to do that, anyway. Most of the time I have to write out my ideas, lists, drafts, whatever. It's an adventure seeing what ends up as the final product.