01 November 2010

literary quote of the day (11/1/10)

So the situation went on the same way for another six months until that tragic Sunday when Jose Arcadio Buendia won a cockfight from Prudencio Aguilar. Furious, aroused by the blood of his bird, the loser backed away from Jose Arcadio Buendia so that everyone in the cockpit could hear what he was going to tell him.

"Congratualations!" he shouted. "Maybe that rooster of yours can do yur wife a favor."

Jose Arcadio Buendia serenely picked up his rooster. "I'll be right back," he told everyone. And then to Prudencio Aguilar:

"You go home and get a weapon, because I'm going to kill you."

-Gabriel Garcia Marquez, One Hundred Years of Solitude

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