30 January 2010

new light

Today we got new light fixtures in the basement and a new motion sensitive outdoor light in the back of the house. We got the leaky drain pipe under the kitchen sink replaced, and the clothes washer drain that always backs up, snaked and repaired. We got Sydney's dresser drawers adjusted so they don't stick anymore, and a bunch of worthless electrical outlets replaced.

You must be thinking, "Wow, what handyman you are."

Nice thought, but, no. Rob--Jeanie's sister's boyfriend--is a handy man. I am mostly worthless when it comes to making simple updates and repairs.

On the upside, I'm smart enough to know that the people who owned the house before us were also worthless when it came to making simple updates and repairs, too; and smart enough, besides that, to stay out of the way of someone who knows what he's doing.

Nevertheless, I have to tell you that I do feel a bit less "manly" for my inability to make simple electrical and plumbing repairs around the house.

p.s. The other day I did 79 pull-ups and 342 push-ups.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sheesh - all I need to be able to do is a minimum of 10 pullups to get into the Marines! And run 3 miles under 24:00 and do over 70 crunches in 2 minutes. But I bet not a single one of those requirements would be out of your reach.