25 September 2009


How quickly they forget the lessons of Sunday school
The Bellingham Herald 9-22-2009

"Thou shalt not bear false witness ..." — Exodus 20:16

Jim Wallis wants to take Glenn Beck to Sunday school.

On occasion, the Fox News host has spoken of his daughter, who was born with cerebral palsy. According to Sojourners, a faith-based organization Wallis co-founded and leads, Beck recalled last month how doctors warned that the baby, if carried to term, might never walk, speak or feed herself. That was 21 years ago and she is now a miraculous young woman who defied the dire expectations.

Beck has suggested that under health-care reform, the government would be empowered to euthanize children like his. But who is Washington to decide whether a life is worth living? "That's for God to decide," he is quoted as saying. "Not the government."

From this, we learn two things. The first is that Glenn Beck believes in God. The second is that Glenn Beck lies. You'd hope those things would be mutually exclusive.

For the record and for the umpteenth time: no version of health-care reform being contemplated by Congress mandates death for the old, the disabled or the infirm. That's a canard. It is mendacity, prevarication, bald-faced lie.

In other words, politics.

The art of the untruth is, after all, the life's blood of governance. As a brief spin through PolitiFact.com, the Pulitzer Prize-winning fact checking Web site will attest, no party, ideology or politician has a monopoly on lying. Lying is as bipartisan as it gets.

And yet, the lies that have characterized the debate over health care are in a class all their own — not simply because they are outrageous, but because they are designed specifically to enflame and terrorize. As such, those lies are deserving of special rebuke. Last week, they got it.

Sojourners, which calls itself the nation's largest network of progressive Christians, says its members sent out thousands of e-mails to five of the biggest offenders: Beck, his fellow Fox personalities Sean Hannity, Steve Doocy and Bill O'Reilly, and radio host Rush Limbaugh. Each e-mail said the same thing in essence: stop lying. Wallis, a celebrated theologian and author of "The Great Awakening: Reviving Faith & Politics in a Post — Religious Right America," says Sojourners is trying to redeem things people "really should've learned in Sunday school."

"For example, Sean Hannity said we're going to have a government rationing body that tells women with breast cancer, 'You're dead. It's a death sentence.' That's just not true. So instead, in our e-mail we told the story of a real person, a real woman who was denied her breast cancer surgery because of her health provider's discovery of a pre-existing condition called acne."

He adds, "A lot of the things the talk-show hosts say will happen are 'already' happening because of the behavior of the health-care providers. They're not true because of health-care reform, they're true because of the present system."

It is not, says Wallis, his intention to accuse everyone who opposes health-care reform of lying. Nor, he says, is it his intention to promote a given proposal. All he's trying to do is reframe health care as the moral issue it is, and restore verities we all learned in Sunday School. Or Hebrew School. Or Islamic School. Or, heck, kindergarten.

That it's wrong to lie, wrong to pick on the vulnerable. And that we have a duty to care for those who cannot care for themselves, the ones Jesus called "the least of these."

Those are simple, sacred and profound principles. But you wonder if the simple, sacred and profound still have power to sway us. Obviously, Jim Wallis has faith they do. I hope he's right. Yet what a spectacular leap it takes to believe the tiny whisper of conscience might be heard over the shrill outcry of America screaming at its mirror.

That is in itself a sobering measure of how far we've wandered from the things we once knew as kids.


Unknown said...

"... All he's trying to do is reframe health care as the moral issue it is, and restore verities we all learned in Sunday School..."

AGREED (tell the truth)

Mr. Pitts would certainly agree that Fox News is not the ONLY biased network and producing its form of media slanted propaganda.

Yet after reading his work for years he never would expose the "other" networks for their venom. (Understanding he is referencing someone elses work)

On the other point.....
Our government legislating moral prerogotives and moral choices... it wouldnt be a first.

Yet the bigger question is the scope and purpose of government of a nation like ours. Health Care Reform is just ONE issue which has crystalized this issue regarding the size of our government.

I wish it were as simple as Large vs. Small government.

I believe everyone has a fundamental need for health insurance.

But is it a "right"?

Essentially the role of the Church and the Redeemed have the mandate to care for the poor, the needy etc...

Does this translate to our governments governing?

Some say yes when convenient...

I know this, I am enjoying this debate and how it is exposing the frailties of our systems.


Christoph Roberts said...

I've got no answers for settling the health insurance reform debate (which is what it should be called, and not the "health-care" reform debate).

I just like reminding myself and others that virtually everyone on right-wing talk radio (and right-wing Christian talk radio most especially) and virtually everyone on the twenty-four hour news networks lies a lot. Purveying paranoia--playing to people's prejudices and fears--gets you ratings. More listeners/viewers equals more expensive advertising time and more money. Right now, the lies and fear mongering coming from both right and left are making some of these poeple (media personalities and the companies that produce these shows) a lot of money. Because a paranoid public tunes in.

It goes without saying that the left-wingers are just as pathetic on this count. The worst person in the world may very well be Keith Olbermann--even though he was always my favorite sports center reporter ever. That was back before he went insane, I guess.

While I admire Jim Wallis and many of the things they stand for at Sojourners, I'm not sure that their approach to political issues is always all that good for us as believers. They've just taken up the sword on one side (Christian left) of the culture wars. There's now a market for their rhetoric, too.

More often I'm inclined to lean much closer to my own deeper roots in anabaptist/mennonite theology and ethics and go with John D. Roth. His examples in this article don't anticipate the health insurance debate, but I think what he says here applies, and that now more than ever we Christians (not just we Mennonites) may need a sabbatical.


Unknown said...

Thanks for the article. I think I will need to read it more than once to fully consider its implications to the Church in general and me specifically.

Olberman WAS the best!

Sad yet true state of our world...the loudest and "shockest" get the biggest microphone (et al...James Carville)

I find refuge that God is interested in these things which we bicker. Because I know when God is interested and is paying attention then by His nature He will not remain silent. In His perfect timing He will act.

Maybe this year. Maybe 100 years. But I find peace and solace in knowing I serve the King of Kings.

And He may not have gifted me with a mind to understand the complexities of all things...yet I know He has blessed me with a caring heart and willing faith to impact my little world.

alas... I still enjoy the "game".
